Solo Vaipulu, Hawaii offensive lineman, arrested for mandatory quarantine violations

Solo Vaipulu Fulmer CupSolo Vaipulu, a University of Hawaii offensive lineman, was arrested Monday for violating the state’s mandatory 14-day traveler quarantine.

The 21-year-old football player, whose legal name is Venasio Vaipulu, was reported as a quarantine violator by a witness, a state spokesperson said. The witness reportedly told investigators from the Department of the Attorney General that Vaipulu left his designated quarantine location ‘nearly daily.’

Investigators said they went to the address Vaipulu had given them upon his arrival on May 18 to discover that he had also moved residences without informing authorities.

Vaipulu was arrested on charges of violating the quarantine and lying to authorities. He was booked and charged, with bail in the case set at $4,000.

“While everyone is anticipating the reopening of interisland travel on June 16, the quarantine rules for all visitors and returning residents from the mainland will remain in effect until further notice,” said Clare Connors, the state Attorney General. “We encourage all travelers to respect the mandatory quarantine, as it has been an important component in helping Hawai‘i have the best metrics in the country, in terms of infection and coronavirus death rates.”

A second person, a female visitor from California unrelated to Vaipulu, was also arrested on the same charges on Monday. Authorities say Makayla Janay Thomas told investigators she’d be staying with relatives for a month but began making social media posts showing her at various beaches, shopping centers and restaurants.

Source: ‘Bows offensive lineman arrested for mandatory quarantine violations

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